What is Reflexology


Reflexology is a system of pressure and massage, a whole-body therapy that is mostly applied through the feet but can also be applied through the hands, that works on exiting health conditions while also detecting potential future ailments.

The treatment works in the areas in the feet and hands that correspond to the body’s organs, tissues and glands, transported by a kind subtle energy that takes the treatment to the area that needs to be healed.

Reflexology can heal every part of the body, it can also heal the mind and soul, so it is a useful treatment for emotional problems as well physical health problems.

Reflexology activates the self-healing response within the body, thus making this system a serious therapy in the health field.

Reflexology is not a new idea, it has been used for thousands of years.

Below are some of the things that make reflexology so worthwhile:

 Anyone can learn it

 It can be used on anyone from babies to the elderly

 It doesn’t require special equipment

 It doesn’t put anything  into  the body, so it is completely safe

 You can do it anywhere and at anytime

 It is an extremely effective therapy.

Touch has always been a component of healing, and our basic instincts urge us to rub a sore area or to use pressure to relieve painful symptoms.

When a child gets hurt, the child’s parent invariably rubs and “kisses it better”, and the child feels betteras a result.

Reflexology has a lot more to offer than mere touch – and however relaxing and comforting it is, it also helps the body to mend themselves.

Many people who have cancer or are postoperative seem to find their way to a reflexologist, and most of them find that reflexology helps them, easing stress and pain.

Reflexology can help with menstrual discomfort, migraine, and recent studies shows it may be beneficial in alleviating depression.

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