Reflexology Healing Caveats.
Reflexology Healing Caveats.
Not everyone suffers a “Healing Crisis” after treatment – in fact most don’t – but for those who
do, here is what happens.
Some people find that after a full body massage, for example their necks and shoulders hurt, or
they feel worse rather than better. Others get headaches. These reactions are due to muscles
releasing stored toxins. This can happen after a reflexology session, although it doesn’t happen
often, and if it does occur, it goes away quickly.
People usually feel much better after a reflexology treatment (I certainly did)
Among those that do suffer a reaction after a reflexology session, colds are very common.
This isthe body’s way of releasing stored up toxicity and emotions.
Here are some other reactions that some people may experience after treatments:
1) Slightly worse symptoms for twenty-
2) Loads of energy
3) Spots
4) Better moods
5) Fatigue for a few days
6) Less pain
7) More mobility
8) A headache that lasts for a few hours
9) Feeling more relaxed
10) The next menstrual period may be heavier than usual.
During a Treatment
Here are some things that you may experience during a reflexology treatment.
The release of emotions is quite common, and everyone expresses this in different ways.
1) Crying
2) Laughing
3) Coughing
4) Sighing
5) Sudden cramp
6) Erection
7) Fatigue
8) Headache
9) Passing gas
10) Burping
11) Relaxing
12) Gurgling.
13) Sweating
14) Twitching
After a treatment is very important to drink plenty of water throughout the rest of the day.
This water should not be cold from the fridge and should not contain ice, it should be at room
temperature, add some fresh lemon juice to help the body remove toxins.
A reflexology treatment stirs up toxins, so it is important to give the system help to ensure these
toxins are flushed out.
This will automatically reduce the likelihood of suffering a “Healing Crisis”.
You may prefer to drink a variety of weak herbal teas(without sugar or milk) such as
peppermint, chamomile or raspberry leaf, there are many others to choose from.
Reflexology treatment should not be given in the presence of any of the following
1) Diabetes (Hand reflexology is good, but foot reflexology might be harmful)
2) Pregnancy especially if there is a history of miscarriage
3) A pacemaker
4) A contagious disease
5) An open sore
6) A new injury (external or internal)
7) An old injury if there is any discomfort
8) Areas with fluid retention
9) An area of broken veins (The area will be dark red with stagnant blood)
10) Varicose Veins.
If you have any doubts, even if none of the above conditions are present, do not perform a
reflexology treatment.
NEVER persuade someone to have a reflexology treatment or any other kind of treatment
against his or her will, even if you are certain that would help that person.
If someone doesn’t want to be treated, it’s always better to leave them alone.