Bronzite Properties

Bronzite is a protective, grounding crystal that is helpful in discordant situations

where you feel powerless and in the grip of events beyond your control, as it

restores harmony and self-assertion without invoking willfulness or aggression.

The stone is said to be “the stone of courtesy” that strengthens non-judgmental

discernment, pinpoints your most important choices and promotes decisive


Enhancing your self-esteem, it allows you to simply ‘be’.

Bronzite is said to being particularly effective against curses.

However, traditionally, iron bearing crystals such as Bronzite return ill-wishing,

curses or spells back to the source magnified three times over. This perpetuates

the curse as it bounces backward and forward, becoming stronger each time.

It might be sensible to use a crystal such as black tourmaline which absorbs and

neutralizes the curse once and for all.

Beneficial for  Masculine energy, over alkalinity, assimilation of iron.

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