Benefits Of Reflexology
The Benefits of Reflexology
It may surprise you to discover how far reaching the benefits of reflexology can be.
Not only is it a truly holistic treatment, it is also an extremely pleasant experience.
People get hooked on the good experience of the treatment and the health benefits that they
gain from it.
Stress Buster
Stress is a fact of life none of us can escape it, but its not the stress that is the problem, so much
as the way we handle it and perceive it.
We are all different, some people handle stress better than others, but it is true that there are
good and bad stressors.
For example, Performing in an amateur dramatic society is stressful in an exciting way, whereas
worry, overwork, relationship difficulties and money worries are harmful stresses, as they
mount up our defences sink and we become more susceptible to illnesses.
Reflexology has been proved over the years to be really good therapy for coping with stress.
Improves Sleep Quality
If we can’t get a good night’s sleep, the world starts to look like a very different place.
It becomes harder to cope with everyday life.
Relationships become difficult as our nerves are frayed, and everything seems just a little more
Children seem noisier, the boss seems more demanding than ever, and worries are magnified.
Reflexology works on a deep level to bring about a real sense of peace, most people say they
sleep much better during periods of treatment.
The body can cope with the occasional restless night or even the odd late night, but when this
disruptive sleep pattern becomes a regular occurrence, it affects the long-
negative way.
Sleeping well is extremely important for deep healing and regeneration.
Improves Circulation
The circulation carries blood around the body.
The blood transports oxygen and nutrients to nourish the cells and removes carbon dioxide and
debris for processing by the liver and kidneys, so anything that improves circulation will improve
overall health.
Stress, fatigue and illness can affect this flow, as the blood vessels become constricted, which
hinders the flow of blood especially to the brain.
If we improve our circulation, we improve the function or every cell and this improves
everything from our state of mind to stamina.
Helps Charge Our Batteries
Wouldn’t we all love more energy?
We have seen people in their seventies and eighties who have loads of energy, whilst some in
their thirties who struggle to keep up.
Feeling more energetic gives us a zest for life, it makes our daily tasks easier and more
Reflexology opens the energy pathways, enabling a free flow of this energy throughout the
Helps Us Detox
The lymphatic system is one of our bodies major detoxifying networks.
Reflexology helps to the lymph, encouraging it to be more efficient, helping to take the
workload off the organs, such as liver, kidneys, lungs, skin and bowels.
Reflexology also helps these organs not just the lymphatic system, to perform a better job.
The Whole-
The feet contain information about the whole body, as do the hands, face, ears, tongue, spine
and iris (in the eye).
Some acupuncturists will treat only the ears (Auricular acupuncture), but still achieve amazing
Another technique iridology, which is reading the iris, can reveal what is happening within the
whole body, after the reading, the iridologist must decide on a course of treatment needed.
In reflexology, the reflexologist can read feet, but he or she can also work on the whole
system at the same time.
This treatment is carried out on the whole body in a totally holistic way.
Reflexology works on the emotional, physical and spiritual levels