Art of Aromatherapy
The Art of Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the art of science using natural aromatic essential oils, derived from plants or flowers.
Each essential oil has its own distinctive aroma (hence "aroma" in aromatherapy) and scientific experimentation and brain scans have shown that aromas can influence the brain e.g. by relaxing or stimulating.
The "therapy "of "aromatherapy" refers to the therapeutic benefits of essential
oils for beauty, general well-
Aromatherapy also has a part to play in reducing stress in today's busy life-
oils have small molecules that enter the body through the skin and the bloodstream.
Once absorbed, the essential oils are directed around the body to affect the various
organs according to the properties of the relevant essential oils.
Essential oils can also be absorbed through inhalation through the nostrils.
natural essential oils are a complex combination of different constituents including
trace elements. It is this combination which gives the natural oil its therapeutic
Many essential oils are now produced synthetically and are called "nature identical",
but the fine balance of naturally occurring constituents including trace elements
cannot be exactly reproduced and hence the balance and effectiveness of the synthetic
oil cannot hope to match that of the naturally occurring oil.
Mystics and Magic has never nor will we ever offer synthetic oils as being pure essential oils. We firmly believe in, and, our company is completely committed to, the integrity and pureness of Aromatherapy and our labels convey this integrity to the consumer.